America Stand Up provides this web site as a guide and collection of resources to support our troops in the world's fight against terrorism.

There are many ways to support our troops and their families -- depending on time and resources, you can send a postcard to a service member, find out where and how to make a public statement of support at a rally, or adopt a military unit as a long-standing support effort.

We Remember 9.11.01Standing Up
For our Soldiers, our Freedom and America.

Action Alert

Supporting our Troops! Thank You for risking your life.
Let's not forget what happened on 9/11, it could happen again.

Let us all remember that freedom is never "free," and why we as Americans have the greatest freedoms and prosperity of any nation on earth.

Honoring our Soldiers and our Country the following links are worth viewing.

THIS is what our Nation is responding to. Please remember that in the difficult times ahead

In Remembrance, Moving Tribute to our Soldiers

"Your Gift Still Grows", Written by Randy Shattuck

"Military Tribute To Our Fallen Warriors Remember Us. ", Written by Thomas Maleport, a Proud US Navy Veteran

Up Time America, Kim's tribute to "Thank the Military"

Its "Up Time" America! By Kimberly Alyn she is right on, yet will make you laugh. Visit to learn more about her. "

Our usually silent majority can speak up in Support of our Troops and America. Whether you are sending a "thank you" or voicing opposition to the left, you can write your elected officials or send your opinions to the media.

Our members will not forget 9-11, and are committed to our country's efforts to defend the world's peace and our freedoms. Please join us in support of our Men and Women in Uniform.

"If Saddam Hussein fails to comply and we fail to act or we take some ambiguous third route, which gives him yet more opportunities to develop his program of weapons of mass destruction and continue to press for the release of sanctions and ignore the commitments he's made? Well, he will conclude that the international community's lost its will. He will then conclude that he can go right on doing more to build an arsenal of devastating destruction. If we fail to respond today, Saddam and all those who would follow in his footsteps will be emboldened tomorrow. The stakes could not be higher. Some way, someday, I guarantee you he'll use the arsenal."

-President Bill Clinton in 1998

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Copyright @ 2003

America Stand Up has been supporting our soldiers since 2003. Over 34,000 have viewed our webpage as of January 2010

Disclaimer: Owners of this web site strongly adhere to a belief in the free exchange of information, and extend that philosophy to the realm of electronic media. America Stand Up does not favor one group over another, and any link or reference to any site does not constitute or imply an endorsement or recommendation by America Stand Up.


Use With Permission: To obtain permission to reproduce the information (text or graphics) contained on this web site for any purpose, submit requests to this sites Webmaster at If permission is granted, America Stand Up should be given credit and its Webmaster must be provided a copy of the final product. was created in 2003 in support of our troops, their family, and our freedom. Getting our message out by the internet, networking and local/nationwide rallies. is the first original Americastandup website, and is not associated with any other americastandup website or organization.

copyright@2003-2011. All rights reserved.